What's New?

Get Ready for the Big Grab!

Do you have old items laying around the house or in the attic that you have been meaning to take to a thrift store? Bring them to New Kirk so we can sell them in South Carolina's biggest (40 miles long) yard sale. All proceeds for this sale will go to New Kirk community outreach activities. 

This year's Big Grab Yard Sale will be September 7th. Bring your items to the church and we'll store them until the big event. If you want to donate, but don't know how to get your donations to the church, call Bill Rew (757 506-6731) and he'll arrange a pick up (even for large furniture items!). For any questions, contact Nancy Underwood or Bill Rew.

In addition to needing volunteers to help us get ready for the Big Grab, and on the weekend of the event, we also need a wide variety of boxes, both to pack up customers purchases and for small jewelry items. We have an unusually large amount of earrings this year and we need some containers to help display all of this jewelry. Please contact Nancy Underwood. 

You may have noticed that our permanent New Kirk sign by the road side was quite faded and in need of repair.

Your Community Committee worked with Scott Litchfield (Dan's son) and his company, A Good Sign Shop, to give our sign a well-needed facelift. Scott was extremely professional and timely and now our sign looks brand new. If you need any sign work, please consider using "A Good Sign Shop." 

The Red Cross and we thank all who participated in our  Blood Drive on Sunday, Feb 4th. 

We made our goal of 18 units, and will announce the next drive when that date is available.

Amazon Smile

Throughout the year, many people use Amazon for online shopping.  However, if you go to AmazonSmile.com to order instead of Amazon.com and choose a non-profit charity (like New Kirk Presbyterian), that charity will receive a donation of 0.5% of their order.  Not much, but it adds up.  

The site works identical to the regular Amazon site with no additional fees and you have the benefit of giving to a charity of your choice - hopefully New Kirk!

News from Presbytery

There are a lot of things going on at Trinity Presbytery now. See link below for highlights of actions of the 223rd General Assembly.

For more information, visit the ​Trinity Presbytery Web Site and click on the Current E-News button toward the bottom of the page.